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Is the HPV vaccine free for males who have sex with males?


Is the HPV vaccine free for males who have sex with males? 

The HPV9 vaccine is recommended and free for males 9 to 26 years of age who have sex with males, including those who may not yet be sexually active and are questioning their sexual orientation. The vaccine is recommended but not free for males 27 years of age and older who have sex with males. 
People who aren’t eligible for the free HPV vaccine can buy it at most pharmacies, travel clinics, and some sexual health clinics. Some health insurance plans cover the cost of the vaccine; check with your insurance provider to find out if your plan does.
For more information on the HPV vaccine, including who the vaccine is recommended for and who it is free for, visit our HPV vaccine page
Date last reviewed: 
Thursday, Nov 09, 2023