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Immunization for children (0 to 18 years)

On March 31, the ImmunizeBC website will move over to After this date, you will be automatically redirected to HealthLink BC’s Immunization landing page. HealthLink BC provides trusted health information online and over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 8-1-1.
A South Asian woman smiling while holding her infant child. They are standing infront of an orange wall.

Vaccines can save your child's life. Here are 7 important reasons to immunize your child.

A Black man smiling while holding a Black toddler laughing.
Children are offered routine vaccines starting at 2 months of age, at kindergarten entry, and in school. Routine vaccines are free. Find out what vaccines are recommended for your child and when. 
Two young children of mixed races and genders, hugging and smiling.

Find the recommended immunization schedules for infants & young children and school-age children & teens. 

A young South Asian boy sitting on the ground and smiling.

For best protection, your child should follow the recommended immunization schedule and get all vaccines on time.

A young infant boy standing infront of flowers and smiling. He is wearing a bright orange shirt with "Happy Human" written on it.

In addition to free vaccines, there are other vaccines that you can buy to give your child extra protection. 

A Brown woman smiling while holding a school-aged girl.
If you just moved to BC, it’s important to make sure that you and your family have all the vaccines you need.
A woman smiling holding a baby while the baby is getting immunized by a nurse.

Learn how to prepare for your child’s appointment and support them before, during, and after immunizations.

A man holding an infant on his shoulders with a school-aged boy beside him. They are outdoors on a sunny day.

These tips can lead to a more positive immunization experience for you and your child.

Four children, representing a mix of genders, standing with multi-coloured rainboots.

If you choose not to immunize your child, it's important to know the risks and your responsibilities. 

A school-aged girl in a classroom smiling. She is holding a pencil and wearing black headphones.

This regulation supports the collection of immunization records of school-age children by public health.


I didn't immunize my child but have changed my mind. Is it too late to catch up?
My child is afraid of needles. How can I make the immunization experience easier for my child?