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Find an immunization clinic

Find a public health unit, community health centre, or primary care clinic

Enter your location below to find a public health unit, community health centre, or primary care clinic near you.

Note: Some doctors and nurse practitioners provide immunizations.

Find a pharmacy, influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, or travel vaccine clinic


Find a pharmacy, influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, or travel vaccine clinic

Find a pharmacy:

Most pharmacists in BC provide immunizations.

Use the College of Pharmacists of BC Pharmacy Finder to find a pharmacy.

To find a pharmacy with the MMR vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association's MMR vaccine clinic locator.

To find a pharmacy with the HPV vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association’s HPV page.

To find a pharmacy with the RSV vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association’s RSV vaccine clinic locator.

Note: Pharmacists can provide vaccines by injection to children 4 and older and by nasal spray to children 2 and older.

Find an influenza (flu) or COVID-19 vaccine clinic:

Invitations for influenza (flu) and COVID-19 vaccines are sent through the provincial Get Vaccinated System. You can choose a clinic location when booking.

Find a travel vaccine clinic:

One way to find a travel vaccine clinic is through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s list of designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres. Many pharmacies also provide travel vaccines.