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Find an immunization clinic

On March 31, the ImmunizeBC website will move over to After this date, you will be automatically redirected to HealthLink BC’s Immunization landing page. HealthLink BC provides trusted health information online and over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 8-1-1.

Find a public health unit, community health centre, or primary care clinic

Enter your location below to find a public health unit, community health centre, or primary care clinic near you.

Note: Some doctors and nurse practitioners provide immunizations.

Find a pharmacy, influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, or travel vaccine clinic


Find a pharmacy, influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, or travel vaccine clinic

Find a pharmacy:

Most pharmacists in BC provide immunizations.

Use the College of Pharmacists of BC Pharmacy Finder to find a pharmacy.

To find a pharmacy with the MMR vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association's MMR vaccine clinic locator.

To find a pharmacy with the HPV vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association’s HPV page.

To find a pharmacy with the RSV vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association’s RSV vaccine clinic locator.

Note: Pharmacists can provide vaccines by injection to children 4 and older and by nasal spray to children 2 and older.

Find an influenza (flu) or COVID-19 vaccine clinic:

Invitations for influenza (flu) and COVID-19 vaccines are sent through the provincial Get Vaccinated System. You can choose a clinic location when booking.

Find a travel vaccine clinic:

One way to find a travel vaccine clinic is through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s list of designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres. Many pharmacies also provide travel vaccines.