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Personalized Immunization Schedule

On March 31, the ImmunizeBC website will move over to After this date, you will be automatically redirected to HealthLink BC’s Immunization landing page. HealthLink BC provides trusted health information online and over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 8-1-1.

For best protection against disease, it’s advised that children get immunized on time starting at 2 months of age and that they follow the recommended schedule as closely as possible.

Get a personalized immunization schedule for your child ages birth through 6 years.

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This immunization schedule is based on the current BC Immunization Schedule recommended by the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). This schedule provides generally recommended dates for immunizations based on your child's birth date . Your child's immunization history, medical history, health status or travel outside the Canada can effect these dates and the vaccines your child needs. If you have questions or concerns, consult your child's health care professional for advice about your child's immunization schedule. This is not an official immunization record. Ask your child's health care provider for a record of the vaccines your child has received .