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Trustworthy websites & online reading

On March 31, the ImmunizeBC website will move over to After this date, you will be automatically redirected to HealthLink BC’s Immunization landing page. HealthLink BC provides trusted health information online and over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 8-1-1.
Date last reviewed: 
Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024

It is important to get your information from credible sources. This page provides a list of websites where you can find trustworthy, science-based information about vaccines and immunization. 

Trustworthy websites & online reading 

The Vaccine Safety Net is a global network of websites, evaluated by the World Health Organization, that provide reliable information on vaccine safety. 

Evaluating health information online

The Internet has a lot of great information about immunization – but it also has a lot of misinformation. The following guides can help you evaluate online sources of vaccine information.