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city: Surrey
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Newton Health Unit 7337 137th St. Unit 200 Surrey BC V3W 1A4 604-592-2000 Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30
North Surrey Health Unit 10362 King George Blvd Unit 220 Surrey BC V3T 2W5 604-587-7900 Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30
city: Tahsis
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Tahsis Health Centre 1085 S. Maquinna Tahsis BC V0P 1X0 250-934-6322 Monday-Friday 09:00-16:30
city: Tatla Lake
name street city province postal code phone Hours
West Chilcotin Health Centre 16452 Hwy 20 Tatla Lake BC V0L 1V0 250-476-1114
city: Terrace
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Terrace Health Unit 3412 Kalum St. Terrace BC V8G 4T2 250-631-4200
city: Tofino
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Coastal Family Place - Ucuelet / Tofino 265 First St.PO Box 1078 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 (250) 725-4020 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Mon-Fri
city: Trail
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Kiro Wellness Centre 2 - 1500 Columbia Ave. Trail BC V1R 1J9 250-364-6226 Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30
city: Tumbler Ridge
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Tumbler Ridge Community Health Unit 220 Front St. Tumbler Ridge BC V0C 2W0 250-242-5271
city: Valemount
name street city province postal code phone Hours
Valemount Health Centre 1445 - 5th Ave. Valemount BC V0E 2Z0 250-566-9138
city: Vancouver
name street city province postal code phone Hours
BC Children's Hospital Family Immunization Clinic ​4480 Oak StreetAmbulatory Care Building (Main Level, Entrance 21) Vancouver BC V6H 3V4 604-875-3000 Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
