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Is it safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine if I use marijuana/cannabis?

On March 31, the ImmunizeBC website will move over to After this date, you will be automatically redirected to HealthLink BC’s Immunization landing page. HealthLink BC provides trusted health information online and over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 8-1-1.

Is it safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine if I use marijuana/cannabis?

Yes, people who use any type of marijuana or cannabis can safely receive the COVID-19 vaccine. 
However, when it’s time for your appointment, we recommend that you not be high. This is not because of a vaccine safety concern (that marijuana interferes with the vaccine) but because the healthcare provider needs your informed consent before giving vaccines. Marijuana may impair (lessen) your ability to fully understand the health information and to ask questions.
There is emerging evidence suggesting that smoking can have negative consequences on a person's respiratory system and immune competence, so it’s even more important to get a COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself from the virus if you smoke.
ImmunizeBC does not have specific recommendations around cannabis use after any vaccine, including the COVID-19 vaccines. This is because there are no studies around cannabis use and the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines. 
Date last reviewed: 
Thursday, Nov 18, 2021